This course has been mentioned in the HVAC Uncensored Podcast and on Youtube HVACmillionaire:
Year 3 in my business I was working so many hours that I had no time for my family. I had no money in the bank account and my body was breaking down. I felt like an athlete that trained non-stop and could see no improvement. The "hamster wheel" that everyone talks about is the best way to describe it. I wasn't having any fun. I was working for the worst boss, myself. He was relentless. He never let me have ANY time off. I was his slave. No matter how hard I worked it was never enough. The business had grown since I had started and the work load was overwhelming. I was good, fast and cheap. Something no one should ever aspire to be in their business. BUT, I didn't know what I didn't know.
I wish I could say I straightened up my act and figured things out quickly and my life got better, but that would be a lie. The IRS letters were piling in because I didn't have a bookkeeper to do all the data entry so that I could give my books to a CPA. I felt like a failure. I was losing the game of business. I was a great technician but I had zero experience at running an HVAC business. Money could fix it, so I worked harder and harder trying to bring in enough money to overcome my debt. Nothing changed. I actually owed more!
I found a mentor in year 6 and he helped me determine my overhead and that allowed me to see that I was NOT charging enough. This was the first step in becoming a business owner. I raised my rates. That gave me room to start learning more and more about how to run my business. In year 7 we broke the one million dollar wall. I can look back and see how much the structure of my business has changed which is what allowed the company to grow. I started a YouTube channel and began sharing bits and pieces of what I was learning, that I believed, would help others in the same position I had been in. I wrote 2 books, built several courses and a membership, became the co-host of a popular podcast and continued to grow my company to nearly $2,000,000 in revenue!
I've taken lots of time during 2020 to build the ultimate course for anyone who wants to grow their HVAC business to 7 figures and beyond in any market. My market isn't great and I know exactly what I did to grow and how I did it. I am sharing my strategy in this course called HVAC Millionaire: 7 Figures in 7 Weeks in Any Market. I want you to save yourself many years of struggle and pain. I want you to stop sacrificing your family for your business. I want you to take a vacation. I want you to build a company that is worth a significant amount of money, so that if you ever decide to sell it, you can retire wealthy. I know that without the right information you will burn out. No matter how strong you are, the stress-worry-fear-anxiety will take you down if you don't build the company to where it works for you.
For years I have searched for someone who would lay it out in a straight line for me. I couldn't find it. I've spent over $110,000 in my search. I found some things that made a difference and then figured out the rest to build my company. This program is EXACTLY what I was searching for when I was starting out and struggling in my business.
Here are the 4 pillars that we'll cover in depth in HVAC Millionaire: 7 Figures in 7 Weeks:
1. Foundations for growth: You can't build an empire on a sand foundation and expect it to last. It must be build on a solid foundation so that the higher you go, it doesn't sway. The foundation is built when you focus on your product and service. You validate your business model by gaining customers and taking better care of them then your competition does. Your the small guy in town and you need a strategy. You have to determine who your ideal customers are and where they live. You have to figure out why you're in business and select core values that will be used to make important decisions within your company. The foundation gets skipped by most technicians who start businesses and it's a horrible mistake. Build a solid foundation and secure a better future for you, your family and your employees.
2. Revenue Optimization: You and the people who join you can only do so much in one day. Some days you may not even have much to do. A small HVAC company must execute every single service call with passion and purpose. Delivering the unexpected to each and every customer means more money. The customer gets more of what they want and need, and you get more of what you want and need to grow. It's a win - win. The seasons can cause an ebb and flow of business. This can cause uncertain times with people and cashflow, so I'm going to show you how to optimize your revenue by doing the right things every time on every call.
3. Operational Streamlining: You wouldn't try to add refrigerant to a system with a pipe wrench. That would be inefficient and frustrating, right? Without the proper tools, everything takes longer to do. I'm going to show you how to streamline the key operations in your company so that your time is freed up for you and your employees. I'll be giving you specific tools that you can download which will amaze you in how much time you can now begin to save in your company. Time is money and that's exactly what all these tools will give you.
4. Scaling: You wouldn't ONLY check the tires and put gas in the tank before driving across the country. That wouldn't be very smart. You would want to check the oil and fluid levels and maybe even get a tune-up done before driving a really long distance. Going through the 3 steps above is like getting a tune-up and preparing for the long drive. You'll tune-up your company by implementing everything you have learned and that's when you can begin to scale your business. You'll become a better leader, you'll delegate and release the breaks, you'll tune-up the infrastructure and begin the journey of scaling up. I'm going to show you how to tackle the scaling process into bite sized chunks that are manageable.
I took a $10,000 loan from my dad and turned it into a $2,000,000 business that is still growing. The only problem with all of it is that it took far too long. There's no sense in the process taking this long for you, your family and your team. There are no silver bullets, but this course is the closest thing to it. I'm laying it out in a straight line for you just like I would want it done for me.
This course coupled with the High Performance Coaching curriculum and the power of a mastermind group will give you the insight, strategy and knowledge for you to make better decisions while growing your business. I've made so many mistakes that it's not even funny at this point. Let this course be the first investment in yourself FOR your family and team. There's always a gap between where we are and where we want to go and if you are just starting a company or haven't been able to get over the one million dollar wall OR if you just want to take part in the High Performance Coaching sessions and hang out with likeminded business owners then this is exactly what you need. The coaching sessions will begin the second week in January 2021. The sessions are recorded so you can watch anytime but it's imperative, if you want to transform yourself, to be on the live calls. The calls are once every 2 weeks. We will discuss current challenges in your business and then proceed to the coaching curriculum. After each session you will have access to the worksheet that goes with that session.
If you are tired of not showing up in a powerful state for your team, your family or for yourself then it's time you harnessed the power you have within. It's there waiting to be brought to the surface and that's what we intend to unleash in the coaching sessions. We all have almost unlimited potential but our actions and behavior don't always allow that potential to shine through. You will be held accountable by the group to push you to the next level so you can become the leader in your family and business.
If you are ready to level up your business and your life, when you sign up you'll get the Operations Manual that we use to give you the high level overview of "HOW?" the company is structured and how it all looks once you have built it to earn revenues of over $1,000,000. This alone is worth the price of the entire course! You'll get the checklist of action items discussed in detail in the course. You'll get one year of bi-weekly High Performance coaching sessions with the mastermind group from the time you sign up through December 31st, 2021. The HVAC Millionaire's 7 figures in 7 weeks in Any Market course is released one week at a time, you'll get the first week immediately when you sign up. Let's recap everything you will get when you purchase today!
You'll get access to the course that I wish I had when growing my company to bust through that first $1,000,000 revenue wall: HVAC Millionaire's 7 figures in 7 weeks in Any Market Course. At the end of 7 weeks you'll have hours and hours of training that will help you level up your company. TOTAL VALUE = $3,497THE TOTAL VALUE IS $5,993
I do have more though......
What's an offer without bonuses?????
BONUS: You'll get access to all other courses currently in the HVAC Service Ready platform. These courses include HVAC Service Ready which will help train new hires who have little to no experience. This course will help them get up to speed so they can start earning money for your company fast! TOTAL VALUE = $1,524
Course Curriculum
Joining the weekly calls
What is High Performance Coaching?
Go Make Money Mindset Training
10 things to do immediately to Maximize your Summer
FOUNDATION DECISIONS - WEEK 1 LESSON 2: Getting started in your HVAC business Part 1
FOUNDATION DECISIONS 2 - WEEK 1 LESSON 3: Getting started in your HVAC business Part 2
Operations Manual: HVAC Millionaire 7 Figures in 7 weeks in any Market
HMC Weekly Coaching Call Recordings 2021
HMC Weekly Coaching Call 2022
HMC weekly coaching calls 2022 on AUDIO
Forecasting sales
Promoting your business - WEEK 2 LESSON 2: Simple and effective marketing/Financing/Fleet vehicles
Handling Adversity - WEEK 2 LESSON 3: How to stay in a growth mindset
MIND ALCHEMY - WEEK 3 LESSON 1: Developing the business mindset
A NEW SET OF SKILLS - WEEK 3 LESSON 3: Transition from Technician to Business Owner
DELEGATION MODULE: How to delegate
Pricing WEEK 4 LESSON 1: How to price your service
Productivity and Efficiency WEEK 4 LESSON 2: How to increase productivity + gain time
Installation pricing cookbook FULL MODULE including downloads
MANAGING YOUR BUSINESS WITH KPI'S WEEK 4 LESSON 3: Understanding what the numbers in your business mean
WEEK 5 LESSON 2 - How to increase your average ticket + sell more equipment + have less callbacks
WEEK 5: Presentation for Selling Technicians: How to increase average invoice by providing a high level of service
The Sales Process WEEK 5 LESSON 3 - Skyrocket your sales
WEEK 6 LESSON 2 - Designing a thriving work culture
Team Exercise: Board Break Breakthrough video
WEEK 6 LESSON 3 - Managing for efficiency

About this course
- $3,000.00
- 43 lessons
- 23 hours of video content
About the instructor